It's amazing to think the thought, "what was I thinking!" after reading a less literate post, then see what you've gone through and see the present day posts! I was reading my early blog stages and laughing at what I had written over the year. I have come a long way since the first post, which was only 3 sentences long. Look here for a link, or you can just scroll down to the very bottom. As you can probably see, being so excited about getting a digital journal, I started to post, then hilariously changed the subject. If you've taken the time to read my blog every step of the way, you can see that I've become immensely better at keeping the plot flowing. I will try to make these long posts, and since I hate typing any long thing except stories and posts, I can't imagine how much time it Jenny Julander to post her famous texas post. I want to be able to post and think like adults, so I can be ready when I hit puberty. I've really come a long way in blog posts and story chapters, so I'll be showing you exactly what I mean. As the post says, if this is becoming more literate and being able to keep a plot flowing, making longer posts on a regular basis, (not including chapters) for thos of you who are reading my blog for the first time, or after a long period of time, read my politics post to see what my first long un-chapter post was. I can't believe what I was thinking when I posted those hilarious, silly, foolish posts, then looking at the politics and other more literate posts of Will A. Blog, I can't help but giggle, snicker, then just start roaring with laughter at the silliness of my conscience when I got Will A. Blog on that faithful January 8 afternoon, when I first christened Will A. Blog, Blogger's Diary, Bloggername Jonah, complete with spelling mistake, then my conscience grew and named Will A. Blog what his name is today. If you've stayed with me every step of the way, you can see the evolution of an 11 year-old's mistakes and triumphs in blog puberty. I don't make shown spelling mistakes any more, and I don't plan to. Comment if you see a mistake. (no tricks.) "Thank You!" says Will A. Blog. I thank you, too.
1 comment: puberty? That's an interesting concept. You have matured since then Jonah and will keep maturing for the rest of your life! (I still do dumb stuff and am irresponsible and I'm almost old!) I'm sorry that I made you feel bad and I will look for the signs that you are becoming more mature and responsible. Luckily you're already cute, creative and talented!
(P.S. My word verification is "foodster"! That's a random one!)
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